Sunday, September 13, 2015

Health and the Romance Writer

I've finally joined the ranks of those with chronic illnesses. It's not a grand achievement, I assure you. My chronic illness has barreled into my life and disturbed the foundation of who I am all the way down to the cellular level. At its least invasive, it's upset plans. At its most evil, its ripped apart my life to the point where I don't know from one moment to the next what's going to happen or how I'm going to feel.

What does this have to do with writing romance? EVERYTHING.

For the past six months, since my diagnoses, other issues have tagged along for the ride. What's a great way to kill creativity and romantic thoughts? What's the best way to derail a writing career?


I've had rallying moments since my life turned upside down, but creativity is whimsical, fickle, and best suited for the healthy me. The sick me thrives on coloring, watching foreign movies, being silent, curling up in bed. The sick me doesn't allow romantic ruminations or creative fantasies, nor joy for extended periods of time, just short bursts. The healthy me thrives on optimism and happiness, idealism, fantasy, and romance.

What used to be a flow of words nearly too fast for my fingers to type has become arduous and painful most of the time. My joy and passion for writing ebbs and flows with the level of sickness I experience from day to day. The situation is untenable. I must find a way to create beauty and story despite illness. I'm still learning how to deal with my new health status, so any advice you may have is welcomed.

For now, I'm blessed to have 2 Paranormal Romances releasing: Burning Sage, September 24th, and Disquieted Souls, October 16th. Here are their beautiful covers...

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